Ben C H Wan

Ben C H Wan 是全港少數全職發音教練,專注英式發音課程及教師LPAT課程。他畢業自百年英式發音搖籃-倫敦大學學院(UCL)。

Ben C H Wan

Hi!我是Ben仔。真正的Ben Sir,是歐陽偉豪。






Ben C H Wan 是全港少數全職發音教練,曾任職中學、成人英語學校及大專院校。他持有英國倫敦大學學院文碩士(語言學)、香港教育學院學位教師教育文憑(中學教育-英語)、香港科技大學工商管理學士(經濟學)及教育局註冊教師資格。

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今天,WhatsApp響起,說四份工有三份已入2nd round,終於重拾那份可貴的自信,說要多謝我。萬想不到,原來真心幫到自己,能準確分析問題,大幅改善發音的人,竟然是一個土炮香港人?!



倫敦大學學院(UCL)為英式英文發音之殿堂,孕育了歷代宗師級語音學家,計有:20世紀最具影響力的英國語音學家Daniel Jones,他創立了cardinal vowels,以座標形式描繪全球語言發音,並編寫了Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary,DJ音標亦以其命名,另外,他也是Audrey Hepburn經典電影My Fair Lady裡,語音學教授Professor Henry Higgins的原型;現代最廣為流傳,於1962年面世的英式英文音標奠基者A C Gimson;英式英文最廣為採納的語調(intonation)教科書Intonation of Colloquial English的兩位作者J D O’Cornor及G F Arnold均來自UCL;此外J C Wells於1982年寫成一書三冊的Accents of English,為訖今最完整的各地英文口音記錄。

他在書中也提出了lexical sets概念,捨音標符號而只用單字來描述各種主流口音,成為學界標準;他也編寫了Longman Pronunciation Dictionary,大量利用問卷收集描繪現代英國人的真‧發音。UCL每年舉辦的Summer Course in English Phonetics(SCEP)訖今已舉辦100屆,為英式英文語音學者及教師聚首一堂的盛會。講師包括國際語音學會(IPA)考試主席Patricia Ashby、Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary現任編輯Jane Setter,學界公認最全面、準確,針對英式英文學習者的教科書English Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice作者Paul Carley及Igner Mees,以及身兼課程主任,在English after RP一書提倡大幅改革主流Gimson音標的Geoff Lindsey。

B Yuen (Project Manager / Renovation Industry)
A student from the UK
Ben provides an excellent structured course encompassing all aspects of modern British pronunciation. Motivational lessons combined with extensive, focused feedback enabled a positive learning experience which has really helped me to fine tune my accent and give me the confidence that I’ve been looking for.
S Robertson (UK)
A mind-blowing approach
I enjoy Ben’s class a lot! It is very practical, and I believed not many students in Hong Kong have experienced the teaching approach he uses in class. I would strongly recommend him to those who desperately want to improve their English pronunciation.
A Au (Marketer)
Surely nobody will be disappointed!
Hi, I am Edmund, from Hong Kong. I was looking for a person who would help me with tutoring my English sound more proper, native and most importantly, British! Thankfully, I found Ben who is not just a Pronunciation teacher but is a true Expert in this area. Ben is really a wonderful teacher who I have ever had in my entire life. Not only he speaks with a standard British accent, but also he has a huge talent and ability to teach. It is easily visible that teaching is his real and huge passion. The private lessons with Ben give me already a taste of how much I don’t know about English accent, how many different sounds I am not aware of and how much work there is waiting ahead of me. However, after each lesson, I can see that learning is not a black magic but just a matter of rules - listening by ears, pronouncing each vowel and consonant in a right way and keep practicing to make it perfect. I heartily recommend Ben to everyone who is searching for a great English pronunciation teacher. Surely nobody will be disappointed!
E Cheng (Church Worker)
I wish I found him earlier so I would not have wasted so much time and money
Hi! I first heard of Ben is when I was searching about LPAT 3 months before my LPAT speaking exam, because I was struggling with my LPAT speaking exam for years. I had spent tons of money studying with an American native speaker for around two and a half years. Yes, I did improve bit by bit each year. But my gut feeling tells me I gained less than what I was paying for. Like an epiphany, I found Ben. I spent an hour watching his YouTube video about LPAT. I was very impressed by the depth of information he had given for free. I was convinced by it so I decided to take his online course because the clock is ticking. I had no more time to waste. Also, the fee seems fair, considering it’s less than 2 months of the tuition with my American native speaking tutor. It is worth a try! After watching the videos in the online course, I got some of my doubts in English answered. The course is very condensed and right to the point especially right for preparing LPAT reading aloud exam. It is a true lifesaving kit! I watched the videos from the online course again a week before my speaking exam. My grade improved much more than I spent a year with a native speaker. I believe if had found Ben sooner and got more time to practice what Ben taught, my grade would be higher. Ben is very knowledgeable and very good at what he’s doing. I wish I found him earlier so I would not have wasted so much time and money. Anyone who has high expectations of themselves should take the course!
M Yu (Primary School Teacher)
Expert in British pronunciation
Ben is an expert in British pronunciation! Having a similar background with Cantonese as a mother tongue, he can point out and correct my mistakes efficiently. There is no doubt that he will give you a new insight into pronunciation!
T Tsang (Primary School Teacher)
Want to pass? Join his class
Ben is a really professional and well-prepared teacher. He can precisely find out my problems and give me some useful suggestions. I do feel that I can brush up my spoken English during his lessons. If you want to pass the LPAT speaking, you should join his class.
H Chan (Primary School Teacher)
No one can beat him
Anyone familiar with pedagogy knows that there is no point in talking about good teachers and bad ones. There are only effective teachers and ineffective ones. The former possesses a wide range of qualities: (1) an acute awareness of what the weaknesses of one’s students are ; (2) a thorough understanding of how to overcome them, particularly in respect of learners’ personality traits and learning styles ; (3) an avid interest in helping learners realize their own potential. Ben, without the shadow of a doubt, has all three. ‘How about subject expertise?’ you might ask. My response would be: ‘You are asking me a question about the obvious! I didn’t even mention this because I thought you knew no one can beat him when it comes to subject knowledge. The same can be said for his language training, whether it be accent reduction or preparation for such exams as HKDSE and IELTS!’ So you know who you should go to for the purpose you now have in mind.
B Jim (Secondary School Teacher)
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